Digital Millennium Copyright Act Policy
Welcome to We esteem the physiological property rights of others just as we anticipate others to respect our rights. A copyright possessor or their representative may yield a takedown notice to us through our DMCA recorded below, as reported by Digital Millennium Copyright Act, Title 17, United States Code, Section 512(c). Like an internet service provider, we are authorized to claim exemption from said contravention claims in accordance with the “safe harbor” amenities of the DMCA. To submit good faith contraventions claim to us, you must present the notice to us that sets forward the following particulars:
Notice of contravention – claim
- Signature of copyright possessor is required whether to be physical or electronic. The person who is authorized to the act can also give the signature.
- The copyrighted work that is claimed to contravene is to be recognized.
- The information must be adequate which allows the service provider to identify the material, which makes it easier to remove contravened material. URLs of the page will aid.
- Your complete information including name, phone number, email address, residential address is to be provided which allows the service provider to contact the complaining party.
- An affirmation that the Complaining party believes that the used material is unauthorized by the agent.
- An affirmation that the complaining party sanction on account of the copyright owner and the particulars provided is precise and under the forfeit of the perjury.
Any individual who intentionally and materially misrepresents such details in a notice of infringement under 17 USC 512(c) (f) faces civil damage penalties, including costs and attorney fees.
All putdown notices should be sent via our Contact link. Please via email so that they can respond quickly. Please be aware that we can share your identity and data with the alleged infringer if we receive a copyright infringement assertion. By bringing a lawsuit, you comprehend, acknowledge, and concur that your personality and assertion might be imparted to the affirmed infringer.
Counter-Notification – Restoration of Material
If you receive a notice that material has been removed due to a claim of copyright infringement, you may come up with a counter-notice in an effort to restore the material in question to the site. The aforementioned notice must be sent in writing to our agent DMCA and must essentially contain the following elements in accordance with 17 USC Section 512 (g) (3).
- Your signature, whether physical or electronic.
- A summary of the content that has been removed, as well as its previous position
- A declaration under penalty of perjury that you believe in good faith that the material has been suspended as a result of a mistake or a wrong definition of the material to be removed or disabled.
- Your designation, address, and telephone number, and a verbal expression that you consent to the jurisdiction of the federal district court and that you will accept accommodation of process from the person or company who provided the pristine infringement notification.
- It is strongly suggested that you use email and send your rebuttal via our Contact page.
Repeat Infringer Policy
We keep a list of DMCA notifications from copyright holders and make a good faith effort to locate any repeat infringers, as required by the Digital Millennium Copyright Act’s repeat infringer policy. Accounts of those who breach our internal repeat infringer policy will be closed. Copyright infringement is taken very seriously by us.
You are enheartened to check back to review this policy frequently for any transmutations.