For many centuries, a dog has been a friend of man. They always remain devoted and loyal to the owner: Dogs will stand up for him and look forward to his return home. In addition, you can spend time with your dog playing, walking, or training. When buying a puppy, personal preference must be followed.
One of the popular pet dog breeds is Beagle, but many people love to tame a stray dog rather than a pet one.
All breeds differ in appearance, temperament, and character. But it happens that an adult dog appears in the house. The reasons are different: a homeless animal was picked up, friends are forced to give the pet away. On the street, a dog finds itself if it ran away and got lost or was abandoned. The question immediately arises, how to tame a foundling without having information about him?
Taking an animal with you, you need to be patient and first of all check if there are any bodily injuries or wounds that require immediate assistance. It is recommended to visit a veterinary clinic in any case for vaccinations, examination, and detection of possible diseases. In addition, you can consult a doctor about the breed, learn about its features. With the necessary information, it will be easier to make friends with a new family member and create favorable conditions for him to live.
Adapting to a new environment and owner is a lengthy process. Having got used to living on the street, the dog will reach for freedom, so you cannot leave it alone for a long time. You need to show care and affection so that a new friend feels protected. But at the same time, you will have to gradually start the upbringing process.
The main thing is not to shout or use rough methods of influence, you need to be patient. The behavior of a stray dog is based on the instinct of self-preservation, so at first, it is not necessary to touch its belly and neck. Stray dogs are used to protecting them and instinctively can accidentally bite. You will have to control your actions – sudden movements and flapping of the hands can also scare the animal.
Be careful when feeding. It is difficult to get food on the street, so stray dogs get used to constant malnutrition and, having received a significant portion of food, will eat it all at once, which can lead to indigestion. At the first feedings, small portions of easily digestible food should be given. Gradually, the dog will get used to normal food, and the work of its stomach will improve.
The new friend will need to be given a name and place in the house. The stray dog will feel comfortable having a corner where he can rest and sleep. Having launched a pet into the house, pay attention to whether it will go deep into the room or remain at the entrance. If he is more comfortable in the corridor, you need to lay a rug in this place and put a bowl of food.
Gradually, the bowl needs to be moved a short distance so that it ends up in the kitchen, where the dog should eat. In order to decide how to name your pet, you can say aloud different nicknames and observe its behavior. Perhaps he will react to familiar sounds. But even if your new friend did not recognize any name, gradually he will get used to the one that you choose. You can find a suitable nickname for your pet here.